Our 2022 maps are almost ready but we need your help with the final touch. We want the maps to represent our amazing community and show what trails mean to YOU. Whether it’s an old favorite or yet to be taken, your photos could be the next map cover.
We are looking for unique images that show the diversity of our trails. We know you all ride bikes, but we also want to see hiking, trail running, dog walking, adaptive cycling or any other trail endeavors. The only caveat is that there MUST be a TRAIL in the photo. If you are selected as the winner, your image will be featured on the front of the 2022 Summer Trail Map. You will get photo credit, and more importantly, you’ll be able to choose ANY piece of MTF gear that you want.
- Both professional and amateur submissions welcome
- You must be willing to release the rights of your image to MTF (even if you don’t win)
- Your image must be at least 1.5 MB in size and 2400 x 3200 pixels and in a VERTICAL (portrait) format in order to be considered for the final winner.
- Yes, you can enter more than one photo
- We will stop accepting entries on May 25th. The winner will be announced in our June newsletter and social
SUBMIT PHOTOS TO: https://mountaintrails.org/photo-contest