The need for a helping hand on the trails has been highlighted over the last year as we see record numbers of users and new areas open to the public. As the saying goes; “you don’t know what you don’t know” and, with that in mind the City has hired its first Ranger, Jimmy Tart, to educate the public and ensure that we, as a community are sharing the trails in a responsible manner.
Jimmy is a long-time resident of Park City and if you are lucky enough to meet him, you’ll quickly realize he’s perfectly tailored to the new role. A ski guide, elite cyclist, avid hiker, and dog lover, Jimmy is aware of what it means to be a responsible trail user and what’s at stake when it comes to our continued access to and enjoyment of trails.
Of course, with a new Ranger in town, there’s an enforcement aspect which might come across as out of character to some. However, Jimmy wants everyone to know that he sees this role, first and foremost as an opportunity to encourage and promote positive behavior.
As Lora pointed out, it takes a village, and we hope this new aspect of our community nurtures a deeper sense of responsibility towards the trails we cherish.