Meet the Tour Des Suds Characters – Parktoberfest
By Mountain Trails, Posted on October 7, 2022
Tour Des Suds features a cast of characters from across our community. Although trail users are generally a low-profile group, when tasked to come up with costumes and come out to party, the results are hilarious.
The Parktoberfest team has become a prominent staple of Tour Des Suds staring with 15 entrants in the 2022 event. The teams’ roots can be traced back to 1983, when David Gordon spent a year abroad in Munich. Participating in the event virtually in 2020 Parktoberfest came together as a group of a friends celebrating a 60th birthday.
David’s homemade pretzel bites are renowned and in addition to an incredible selection of Bavarian fare the team participates in Keg Bowling and feats of amateur gymnastics.
We all share in the sincere joy that springs from our trails and the creativity of our fellow users. Hopefully, Parktoberfest will serve to inspire you for the next Tour Des Suds and to create your own traditions.