Shout out to Todd Henneman for stepping up and taking on Pantera Roja. She’s a feisty cat and doesn’t take easily to new groomers. But Todd has got her tamed and will be cat-siting while the MTF crew is in Reno at the International Trails Summit in mid-April.
A little bit about Todd: first, it’s hard to find a picture of him without Susie and/or ski goggles – a testament to his character. Many of you know him, but if you don’t, I’ll just say, too bad for you. You know that super chill dude who everybody loves? The one who exudes cool in a quiet, understated, but all-knowing way, and never talks about himself, despite a lifetime of outdoor accomplishments. Yeah, Todd’s that guy. And he’ll probably dislike that I am calling out his awesomeness, but hey, I’ve decided today is a day to rankle a boss. . . which Todd is to me as he also sits on the Board of Directors at MTF where he has been an enormous help with strategy and morale. Todd, THANK YOU!