As we look around the Wasatch Back, we see many of miles of trail in desperate need of attention – to the point that some are no longer usable. MTF’s mission is to build, maintain and protect trails, and as the communities of the Wasatch Back become more connected – and congested, we feel it is incumbent upon our organization to help preserve trails in the region.
The “My Garage Is My Trailhead” tenet is a powerful tool in our efforts to disperse trail use, reduce car trips, and preserve world-class trail experiences throughout the the Wasatch Back. Park City is where Mountain Trails Foundation’s roots are, and where our commitment and responsibility are centered. And, as we see our neighboring trail systems in need, we are honored to lend a hand – like any good neighbor.
In collaboration with Wasatch Trails Foundation, MTF has hired a three-person Wasatch Back Trails Maintenance Crew (WBTMC). This is a huge project with a limited lifespan, and, given MTF’s continued commitment to Park City’s trail system, we couldn’t be successful in outlying areas without the help of Mia, Executive Director at Wasatch Trails Foundation, who will help manage the WBTMC in the field.
If you love trails on the Wasatch Back, and want to help preserve them, please consider a donation to Mountain Trails and Wasatch Trails Foundation.