When we think of the greater Park City trail network one area stands out in its versatility, ease of access and size. Round Valley is a 2,200 acre patchwork of open space made up of conservation, recreational and agricultural easements. These easements, owned by Park City and the Osguthorpe family are managed by land trusts, including the Summit Land Conservancy and Utah Open Lands, who oversee its care.
Before its purchase, much of Round Valley was farmland, divided by barbed wire fences, closed off to wildlife and public access. As these parcels came up for sale, they were slated for a variety of purposes including the development of “Valderone” a 690 acre, mixed-use golf course community with a commercial center, boutique hotel and 600 homes. Thanks to the Summit Land Conservancy, Park City Municipal and the support of the community, this area was purchased and protected so that “we”, the public, can enjoy open space and free access to recreational trails.
The next time you’re out on the trails take a moment to appreciate your access to the lands we love. Perhaps consider an alternate reality where Round Valley is a private golf courses, houses and hotels.
The future of trails depends on us, working together as a community to promote the greater good and to celebrate the private and public lands graciously provided for our benefit.