It is with great happiness that we announce the long-awaited opening of the groomed track in Bonanza Flat. This is especially monumental as we can safely say there has never been more km’s of groomed Nordic ski or singletrack options available. Of course, it takes a village, and this opportunity is only possible with the support and collaboration of our community – thank you!
Conditions look to be keeping the snow cold and dry which means it will take continued grooming and diligence to keep the trails at their best. Avoiding post-holes and ruts on the trails means keeping an eye on conditions and proceeding with extra care and caution. This goes for access routes as well, traveling up Marsac from the Mid Mountain Trailhead is steep and, on the way back down, you can encounter icy patches, ruts and variable snow that make it difficult to control your speed. Stay safe, give authorized vehicles a wide berth and remember there are no trash or bathroom facilities so if you pack it in, pack it out.
Happy trails!