Thank you for contributing to our largest fundraiser!
Today, over 400 continuous miles of non-motorized trails now exist in Park City that connect you to mountain meadows, sagebrush covered hills, aspen groves, coniferous forests, and viewsheds that are unparalleled.
If you like to hike, bike, and ski in Park City, please show your love for open space and trails this Live PC Give PC. We hope that when you give to Mountain Trails Foundation on November 4th, you will also give to Summit Land Conservancy: Because trails and land go hand in hand!
It doesn’t matter how much you give during Live PC Give PC, it matters THAT you give. All it takes is $5 to join the fun November 4th (or before!), and help us save the trails and lands that make Park City special!
Livepcgivepc.org is a one-day virtual event that encourages all of Summit County, Utah to contribute to benefit our nonprofit organizations through a single online giving platform. It is uniquely Park City. The campaign is primarily coordinated by The Park City Foundation (PCF), Summit County’s community foundation, in partnership will area nonprofit organizations.
Live PC Give PC is now open for donations and go through November 4th, 2022.