Boots on the Ground – The 2022 Trail Crew
By Rick Fournier, Field Manager, Posted on May 11, 2022
Any organization is only as good as its people, and the Mountain Trails Foundation has had no lack of good humans in the mix throughout its 30-year history. The success of Mountain Trails and the enduring legacy of the Park City trail system is due in large part to the guys and gals who are the “boots on the ground”- the MTF Trail Crew.
Since landing the Trails Manager position many moons ago, I have had the good fortune and pleasure of working with some amazingly talented, passionate and hard-working individuals, who have literally left their mark on our local trails; building, maintaining, and protecting this amazing resource that we all love.
Early on, through word of mouth, we tapped into the local ski resorts, attracting ski patrollers who were looking for summer work to complement their winter gigs. We’ve also had many college graduates who ended up in Park City for the same reasons we all did and were looking for a temporary venture until they got a “real job.” And we’ve had several individuals who had worked on legit trail crews, from Maine to New Mexico to Driggs, Idaho. We’ve had Airforce and Marine veterans and we’ve had a professional cyclist, professional skier, and a 4-year “intern” who went on to become an aerospace engineer for Boeing – proof that rocket science and trail building are not that far removed.
2022 has been a year of rebuilding, with several long-time, experienced staff leaving us recently to pursue their dreams. Despite my concerns a few months back that it would be a challenge to find sufficient staffing, it all came together, as it always does, and I couldn’t be more stoked with the diverse team that we’ve assembled. That said, I’m super excited to introduce you to the 2022 Mountain Trails Trail Crew…
Trails Manager